Lightning-Fast KNN Classifiers with Annoy: Unleashing Speed and Efficiency on Large Datasets

Sandun Dayananda
4 min readJul 14, 2023

Remember, with Annoy, you can now build KNN classifiers that were once considered time-consuming in just a matter of seconds!

Annoy was introduced by Spotify. Annoy stands for “Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah” and was developed by Spotify’s Research & Development team. It was specifically designed to efficiently handle approximate nearest neighbor searches, making it ideal for tasks like recommendation systems, search algorithms, and machine learning applications. Spotify created Annoy to address their need for fast and scalable similarity searches in large-scale music recommendation systems. However, Annoy has gained popularity beyond the music domain and is widely used in various industries for nearest-neighbor search tasks.

In the realm of machine learning, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a popular algorithm known for its simplicity and effectiveness. However, its computational complexity can become a major obstacle when dealing with large datasets. Fortunately, there’s a game-changing solution called Annoy, which allows you to build KNN classifiers with lightning-fast processing times, even for massive datasets. In this article, we’ll explore the power of Annoy and provide a step-by-step guide on implementing it for blazing-fast KNN classifiers.

Understanding K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN):

As you may know already, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a versatile algorithm used for classification and regression tasks. It operates by finding the nearest neighbors to a given data point and making predictions based on their class labels or values. However, as the dataset size increases, the time complexity of the algorithm grows significantly.

The Annoy Library: Revolutionizing KNN Processing:

Introducing the Annoy library — a groundbreaking tool specifically designed to expedite the KNN algorithm. Annoy leverages approximate nearest neighbor search techniques, enabling efficient computation and retrieval of nearest neighbors. By precomputing the data structure, Annoy reduces the time complexity from O(n²) to O(log n), making it an excellent choice for large datasets.

Implementing Annoy for Lightning-Fast KNN:

Let’s dive into the step-by-step process of building KNN classifiers with Annoy

Step 1: Data Preparation
Begin by preparing your dataset, ensuring it is properly formatted and suitable for KNN classification. For example, let’s consider the iris dataset.

Step 2: Indexing with Annoy
Utilize Annoy’s indexing functionality to create an index structure based on your dataset. This process involves embedding the dataset into a high-dimensional space for efficient nearest-neighbor retrieval.

Step 3: Querying Neighbors
Once the index is built, you can query for nearest neighbors by providing a target data point. Annoy rapidly returns the k closest neighbors, allowing you to make predictions or perform further analysis swiftly.

Following is a sample code for your understanding.

#install this if you haven't installed. Here I have used Colab
!pip install annoy

from annoy import AnnoyIndex
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris

# load the Iris dataset
iris = load_iris()
data =

# ccreate Annoy index with desired dimensions
index = AnnoyIndex(data.shape[1])

# add items to the index
for i, vector in enumerate(data):
index.add_item(i, vector)

# building the index

# sample query for nearest neighbors
target_vector = [5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2] # test data point
k = 3 # number of nearst neighbors to retrieve

# getting indices of nearest neighbors
nearest_neighbors = index.get_nns_by_vector(target_vector, k)

print("Indices of nearest neighbors:", nearest_neighbors)

nearest_labels =[nearest_neighbors]
print("Class labels of nearest neighbors:", nearest_labels)

Benefits of Annoy-Powered KNN:

Implementing Annoy to accelerate KNN classifiers offers several advantages:

1. Incredible Speed: Annoy’s approximate nearest neighbor search techniques enable lightning-fast computations, allowing you to build KNN classifiers in just a few seconds, even with enormous datasets.

2. Scalability: Annoy’s logarithmic time complexity ensures scalability, enabling efficient processing of increasingly larger datasets without compromising performance.

3. Flexibility: Annoy is compatible with various programming languages, including Python, making it accessible to a wide range of developers and researchers.

Real-World Applications:

Annoy-powered KNN classifiers open up new possibilities for industries and domains that rely on fast analysis of vast datasets:

1. E-commerce: Recommender systems can utilize Annoy to rapidly generate personalized product recommendations based on user browsing history.

2. Finance: Annoy can accelerate fraud detection systems by quickly identifying similar patterns and anomalies within large transaction datasets.

3. Healthcare: Annoy-powered KNN classifiers can be used to analyze medical records and identify patients with similar symptoms or conditions, aiding in disease diagnosis and treatment.

The Annoy library provides a revolutionary solution for building KNN classifiers with lightning-fast processing times, even for massive datasets. By leveraging approximate nearest-neighbor search techniques, Annoy significantly reduces the time complexity associated with KNN algorithms. With its scalability, speed, and flexibility, Annoy empowers developers and researchers across various industries to unlock the full potential of KNN classification. Embrace this cutting-edge approach and witness the unparalleled efficiency it brings to your data analysis endeavors.



Sandun Dayananda

Big Data Engineer with passion for Machine Learning and DevOps | MSc Industrial Analytics at Uppsala University